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Dr. Peter D. Hansen (T.U. Berlin, Germany)
"Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring: state of the art, validation and intercalibration studies"
Dr. Jeong Woo Choi (Sogang Univ., Korea)
"Nanoscale Protein Chip to Detect Pathogens¡±
Dr. David C. Cullen (Cranfield Univ. UK)
"SMILE (Specific Molecular Identification of Life Experiment):
Biosensor-arrays for Environmental Sensing on Mars"
Dr. Sang Jun Sim (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea)
"Fabrication of immunosensor for detection of anti-GAD antibody based on surface plasmon resonance and characterization of various self -assembled monolayers of alkanethiols on gold surface¡±
Dr. Hyun Ah Kang (KRIBB,Korea)
"A whole-genome cDNA microarray for the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha : application to global transcriptional profiling¡±
Dr. Hitoshi Iwahashi (AIST, Japan)
¡°The issues to be overcome for DNA chips as the environmental biosensors."
Dr. Man Bock Gu (GIST, Korea)
¡°From DNA chip to Whole cell based Biosensors: Development and Its Applications¡±
Dr. Joe Zhou (Oak Ridge National Lab., USA)
¡°Development and Use of Integrated Microarray-based Genomic Technologies for Assessing Microbial Community Composition and Dynamics"
Dr. Hyung Joon Cha (Postech, Korea)
"Development of Oligonucleotide Chip for Simultaneous Detection of Environmental Pathogenic Bacteria.¡±
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